Bootleggers Landing

Location: Anchorage, Alaska
Year: Completion 2020
Client: Private
Petra Sattler-Smith, Sarah Salazar
Awards: 2023 AIA Alaska Citation Award

This 8-unit development is designed for the active urban dweller lifestyle. These modern townhouses maximize use of the last remaining waterfront parcel in Bootleggers Cove and fit seamlessly into the neighborhood context.

The site design focuses on creating a pedestrian-centric streetscape along the front of the homes, with a private front yard  at each unit’s entrance. Garages and driveway are located behind the buildings to reserve the front for people, not cars. The street side facades of the units are oriented southwest, optimally capturing sunlight as it enters the generous windows of the open-plan living space and third-story bedrooms. the staggered building design allows views to the Cook Inlet from every unit from the private living room with deck as well as the master suite.

Bootleggers Landing is the first completed “Unit Lot subdivision” project in Anchorage in which each townhouse owns the land associated with the unit (similar to a single family house this allows for a conventional loan).